News & Perspectives
Current News
Making a positive impact
At PCG, we take Kidonomics seriously. All the research shows that making strategic investments in early childhood can pay big dividends in school, in the workplace, and throughout life. We were thrilled to talk about it at the Institute for Emerging Issues Focus Forum in February and SXSWedu in March, but even more pleased to back up those words with tangible actions.
- 19. April 2017
In North Carolina, Students@Work See PCG At Work
PCG was one of 45 companies and organizations across North Carolina participating in late March in Students@Work, a job-shadowing and mentoring effort established by the governor in 2011. Coordinated closely with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Students@Work has brought more than 128,000 eight-grade students from across the Tarheel State into a broad range of workplaces.
- 7. April 2017
Foster Care Crisis - What’s an Agency to Do? Part 1
Child welfare agencies in jurisdictions across the country face a growing foster care crisis: decreasing numbers of licensed foster homes can’t support the increasing demand for licensed out of home placement, fueled, in part, by the opioid and prescription drug crisis. What is causing this shift in the demand for traditional licensed foster homes?
- 14. March 2017
PCG wins Louisiana Medicaid modernization IV&V
PCG Technology Consulting (TC) was recently notified by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), Bureau of Health Services Financing (BHSF) of its intent to award PCG a contract to provide Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) services. Louisiana is embarking on an ambitious Medicaid modernization path that is envisioned to improve critical Medicaid services to the many thousands of Louisiana citizens in need...
- 5. February 2017