News & Perspectives
Current News
Maryland Attorney General sues federal government to protect the ACA
On Thursday, September 13, 2018, Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh filed a lawsuit in federal district court in Maryland requesting a declaratory judgment that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is constitutional, and a court order preventing the federal government from taking any action is inconsistent with that conclusion.
- 20. September 2018
PCG Cares goes back to school
It’s hard to believe that the start of a new school year is right around the corner, but as we all know: time flies when you’re having fun! That’s certainly been the case for us at PCG this year with so many employees engaging in our PCG Cares program: seeing all the different ways our colleagues are making an impact in the communities where we live and work has been exciting, not to mention energizing.
- 5. September 2018
Public Consulting Group presents at HCBS Conference on using data analytics, best practices to reduce client abuse/neglect
BALTIMORE, August 27, 2018 – Better use of data analytics and “best practices frameworks” can address what a government inspector general recently called “a systemic problem” of abuse and neglect of elderly and disabled people in home and community based services (HCBS), new research by Public Consulting Group (PCG) finds.
- 27. August 2018
CCWIS Data Management
The final rule for the Comprehensive Child Welfare Information Systems (CCWIS) is more focused on the data rather than the system itself. This is an important change from the previous Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS) focus, and one that will have significant impact to states and tribes. While there are still elements of the rule that affect systems design, the new focus of the CCWIS is bi-directional data exchanges with courts, education, and Medicaid claims processing systems.
- 16. August 2018