NPR Affiliate Podcast Highlights Broward County Public Schools’ Transformative Equity Work Using PCG’s Online Learning Program, Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton

In a recent article and podcast, KQED Mindshift [an affiliate of National Public Radio (NPR)], highlighted the transformative equity work of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) in Florida that includes Courageous Conversations about Race, the online learning program for educators by Public Consulting Group (PCG) with Glenn E. Singleton. The article provides an in-depth look into how BCPS pioneered a framework and systemwide initiative to ensure that staff in multiple roles and positions were trained in the course. The podcast includes multiple interviews with course participants and district leadership. It also highlights the district’s increased literacy rates among third-grade students, decreased discipline disparities, and other positive equity outcomes following course completion.
Since 2018, BCPS has partnered with PCG to provide Courageous Conversations about Race with renowned equity expert Glenn E. Singleton. This online program for teachers, administrators, and staff serves as the foundational and central focus of the district’s equity-based initiatives. It is also a key resource for building leadership capacity for culturally responsive schools.
During the past four years, almost 2,100 BCPS educators representing every school and department across the district have participated in Courageous Conversations about Race to support the district’s equity initiatives. Every year, participants have consistently expressed how much the course continued to impact them both professionally and personally. A 2021 BCPS survey indicated that 94 percent of course participants rated the course at least four out of five stars.
Veda Hudge, Director of Service Quality at BCPS, said, “what I enjoyed the most about this course was the challenge of having uncomfortable conversations with my colleagues. For years and even more for the current time in the nation, people have kept their feelings and thoughts closed up. However, the protocol and reflection throughout the course has allow me/us to turn the corner.”
PCG is proud to support BCPS’ continuous efforts to promote equity and the success of all students throughout the district. Through Courageous Conversations about Race, school districts across the U.S. can also learn how racial disparities impact students in their district and how to engage in productive and transformative conversations about race. The course provides an essential strategy for school systems and other educational organizations to address racial disparities through safe, authentic, compassionate, and effective cross-racial dialogue.
To learn more about what BCPS teachers, administrators, and staff have to say about Courageous Conversations about Race, be sure to read KQED Mindshift’s article and check out the station’s recent podcast. Visit PCG’s Equity and Education Recovery Services page to learn more about this course and other offerings. For additional questions, please contact us on PCG’s website here.