Our Education team offers consulting services and technology solutions to help schools, school districts, and state education agencies/ministries of education promote student success, improve programs and processes, and optimize financial resources.
News & Perspectives
Recap of SXSW EDU 2024
305 days agoPublic Consulting Group (PCG) was a proud sponsor of SXSW EDU 2024 in Austin, Texas. From March 4 to March 7, PCG representatives joined thousands of education leaders from across the country for presentations, workshops, and discussions focused on driving positive changes in education.
ReadMoreClosing the Opportunity Gap for Students with Disabilities Through Progress Monitoring
475 days agoIn the new white paper, “Closing the Opportunity Gap for Students with Disabilities Through Progress Monitoring,” PCG’s Dr. Jennifer Baribeau and Dr. Jennifer Meller provide educators information on why ongoing progress monitoring of Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals is an important process to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
ReadMoreUniversity Instructors Partners with Rhode Island Department of Education to Offer Free Teacher Test Preparation & Praxis Test Vouchers
530 days agoUniversity Instructors (UI), a Public Consulting Group (PCG) company, is proud to announce the launch of the RIDE Praxis Preparation Program. Developed in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE), this free, comprehensive preparation program aims to help teacher candidates pass Praxis tests, which are a step towards teacher certification in Rhode Island.
ReadMoreVideo Highlight: Vermont High School Educators Share Transformative Experiences with PCG’s Online Course, Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton
929 days agoFor the past three years, Mount Mansfield Union High School in Jericho, VT, has partnered with Public Consulting Group (PCG) to engage in the online learning course, Courageous Conversations about Race with equity expert Glenn E. Singleton. The course is part of PCG’s online professional learning program that focuses on equity, inclusion, and cultural competence in education.
ReadMorePCG is Proud to Offer Professional Learning Workshops for MTSS Implementation
970 days agoMulti-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an essential educational framework for developing sustainable and equitable tiered supports for students. MTSS is a wholistic approach focused on prevention and calls for districts and schools to build a continuum of accessible academic and behavioral supports. The 2022–2023 school year will require school leaders to evaluate their current MTSS practices and develop a comprehensive plan to address the extraordinary range and intensity of student needs.
ReadMoreNPR Affiliate Podcast Highlights Broward County Public Schools’ Transformative Equity Work Using PCG’s Online Learning Program, Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton
1155 days agoIn a recent article and podcast, KQED Mindshift [an affiliate of National Public Radio (NPR)], highlighted the transformative equity work of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) in Florida that includes Courageous Conversations about Race, the online learning program for educators by Public Consulting Group (PCG) with Glenn E. Singleton.
ReadMoreHelping Broward County Public Schools Bring True Equity in Education Recovery: A Case Study
1183 days agoPCG collaborated with Broward County Public Schools, the sixth largest and most diverse district in the country, on the creation of an Education Recovery Center of Operations to coordinate the response to more than 55,000 students across the district who weren’t meeting adequate academic progress.
ReadMoreAccelerate Academic Achievement
1189 days agoThis blog series is designed to support school-based administrators in addressing the US Department of Education’s call to action, via the Return to School Roadmap, for federal, state, and local leaders to close the performance gap for students with disabilities during the 2021–2022 school year.
ReadMoreBuild School Communities and Support Students’ Social, Emotional, and Mental Health
1215 days agoThe American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund provides substantial funding to support the reopening of schools and to address the academic, social, emotional, and mental health concerns that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
ReadMoreProject Success Resource Center Ramps Up for 2021-2022 School Year!
1231 days agoLast week, PCG’s Project Success team led a group of new special education teachers through the New Teacher Jump Start program – a two-day online professional learning program for teachers who support students with disabilities and have between zero and three (0-3) years of teaching experience.
ReadMoreMeet Our Team
Paul Mancini
Manager / Education
Mr. Mancini joined PCG at the start of 2009 and has 20 years of experience in delivering services and solutions within the private and public sector, with his last eight years focused on pre K – 12 public...
ReadMoreTim Gillespie
Associate Manager / Education
Mr. Gillespie has more than 12 years of experience working with public sector clients and school districts throughout the country. As an Associate Manager with PCG, Mr. Gillespie supervises...
ReadMoreJim Popp
Manager / Education
Since 1994, Mr. Popp has dedicated his career to helping K-12 students and school leadership “believe and achieve.” Before joining PCG, Mr. Popp was Founder and President of University...
ReadMorePeter Marshall
Manager / Education
Mr. Marshall has more than 20 years of experience at PCG. Based in Boston, he currently manages multiple school-based consulting, operational and Medicaid projects across...
ReadMoreAmy Howie
Associate Manager / Education
Amy Howie joined PCG in 2013 after 16 years in public education where she served as a special education teacher and building level administrator. As an Associate Manager, Amy consults...
ReadMoreLadd Van Devender
Manager / Education
Mr. Van Devender oversees more than 150 North Carolina education projects and Student Success Planning solutions throughout NC. These services include the implementation and ongoing...
ReadMoreCameron Lackey
Associate Manager / Education
Cameron Lackey is an associate manager in Education. He joined PCG in 2016 and brings strategic and programmatic planning expertise in the areas of system and service implementation and program and project management...
ReadMoreRobbie Ammons
Manager / Education
Mr. Ammons has worked for the past 15 years on IEP and Medicaid school-based projects for North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Minnesota, Illinois, Florida and Virginia.
ReadMoreDave O’Leary
Associate Manager / Education
Dave O’Leary is an associate manager in Education and currently leads the Pacific Northwest region. He joined PCG in 2003. Dave manages projects related to education technology, including the implementation of PCG’s special education data management systems, EDPlan™, IEP Online™, and EasyTRAC™...