Found 802 results

Join PCG for Three Presentations at the HCBS Conference on December 9th and 10th!

Public Consulting Group (PCG) is proud to announce that our firm has been selected to present three sessions at the 2021 National Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Conference in Baltimore, MD. It will take place from December 7th through December 10th. In addition to presenting, PCG is a conf...


PCG’s Employees Participate in Giving Tuesday—Extended Edition

This time of year, we often reflect on all we have to be thankful for, as we enjoy holiday meals and reach out to loved ones. The holiday season also gives a special opportunity to share our time and resources with our communities and those in need. In an effort to meet these needs, employees at Pub...


NPR Affiliate Podcast Highlights Broward County Public Schools’ Transformative Equity Work Using PCG’s Online Learning Program, Courageous Conversations about Race with Glenn Singleton

In a recent article and podcast, KQED Mindshift [an affiliate of National Public Radio (NPR)], highlighted the transformative equity work of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) in Florida that includes Courageous Conversations about Race, the online learning program for educators by Public Consulti...


University Instructors Partners with ETS to Launch New Learning Tool for Teacher Candidates

We are proud to share that University Instructors , a Public Consulting Group Company, has partnered with ETS, a nonprofit research, learning, and assessments organization, to launch the Praxis ® Learning Paths ™ program. We are proud to share that University Instructors , a Public Consulting Group ...


The Impact of Apprenticeship in Today’s Economy

Apprenticeship is a powerful tool for growing the American economy. However, despite the long history of apprenticeships in the U.S., they have yet to be widely adopted as an employment model outside of traditional trades such as construction and manufacturing. Apprenticeship is a powerful tool for ...


A Conversation with Military Veteran and Director of Talent Acquisition at PCG, Guy Reynolds

As the Director of Talent Acquisition at PCG and an Army National Guard Veteran with more than a decade of service on his resume, Guy Reynolds’ civilian and military careers afford him a number of different—and valuable—perspectives: as an employer, an executive leader, a recruiter, a veteran jobsee...


PCG Expands Special Item Numbers (SINs) for Federal Contracting Opportunities

As an approved U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple-Award Schedule (MAS) contractor, Public Consulting Group (PCG) is pleased to announce that the firm has expanded its federal services and solutions to include an updated list of SINs. PCG Expands Special Item Numbers (SINs) for Feder...


Helping Broward County Public Schools Bring True Equity in Education Recovery: A Case Study

PCG collaborated with Broward County Public Schools, the sixth largest and most diverse district in the country, on the creation of an Education Recovery Center of Operations to coordinate the response to more than 55,000 students across the district who weren’t meeting adequate academic progress. E...


Employees Reflect on ‘Family & Friends Fridays’ Summer Hours Schedule

This summer, PCG launched its first-ever summer hours schedule program with Family & Friends Fridays. For 10-weeks, from July 2nd through September 3rd, 2021, the firm closed at 1:00 PM (in each work location’s respective time zone) every Friday to give employees extra time off to unplug and unw...


PCG Sponsors 5th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference to Support the Advancement of Women Leaders in New Jersey Education

[Princeton, NJ] September 29, 2021 – Public Consulting Group (PCG), a leading provider of solutions implementation and operations improvement services to the public sector, is proud to sponsor the 5 th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference, taking place on September 30 through October 1, 2021, in Som...
