Found 858 results

TANF and SNAP Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The estimated economic impacts of the COVID-19 emergency are staggering—millions of Americans are out of work or experiencing a decrease in hours. Thousands of businesses are shuttered and some may never reopen. Over 16 million new people have applied for unemployment since March, roughly half of th...


Using Data to Select the Right Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs)

The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) includes expanded federal funding for evidence-based prevention services through Title IV-E for: Mental health prevention and treatment, Substance use disorder prevention and treatment provided by a qualified clinician, In-home parent skill-based prog...


Remote Work Challenges During the COVID-19 Emergency: Perspectives from New England Substance Use Prevention Professionals

The Human Services Team at Public Consulting Group, Inc. collaborated with the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) recently The Human Services Team at Public Consulting Group, Inc. collaborated with the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) recently. PCG and t...


PCG Hires New Senior Solutions Strategist, Roxanne Burton

Boston, MA. May 4, 2020 – Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), a leading provider of solutions implementation and operations improvement services to the public sector... Boston, MA. May 4, 2020 – Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), a leading provider of solutions implementation and operations impro...


PCG’s Tony McLean Brown Joins the Board at NCSU’s Institute for Emerging Issues

Charlotte, NC, April 19, 2020 — Tony McLean Brown, Director, Strategic Investments at Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), has been appointed to the board of the North Carolina State University Institute of Emerging Issues (NCSU IEI), for a three-year term. Charlotte, NC, April 19, 2020 — Tony McLea...


Celebrating our most impactful employees - PCG announces EPIC Award winners

Last Fall, PCG launched a new quarterly employee recognition program called the EPIC Awards to share the work of employees who exemplify the four tenets that define PCG’s ethos— E ntrepreneurial Spirit, P assion, I mpact, and C ommunity. Last Fall, PCG launched a new quarterly employee recognition p...


PCG Announces New Chief Operating Officer, Gary Garofalo

Boston, MA. April 1, 2020 – Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), a leading provider of solutions implementation and operations improvement services to the public sector, has named Gary Garofalo as its new Chief Operating Officer. Boston, MA. April 1, 2020 – Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), a lea...


PCG introduces VERA to help Workforce systems struggling with COVID-19

Workforce systems are at the forefront as increased needs and urgency for employment services prevail. In response to this devastating reality, PCG has worked to tailor our customized Virtual Employment Readiness Assistant (VERA) Tool for immediate, emergency deployment to those regions and states w...


Feeding Children at Home: School Meal Distribution Strategies During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The novel coronavirus has made uncertainty a virtual certainty. However, one uncertainty we absolutely cannot afford is not knowing if we can feed our children when they’re home from school for weeks or months. The novel coronavirus has made uncertainty a virtual certainty. However, one uncertainty ...


TANF and SNAP Responses to COVID-19

The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is having major impacts on states and counties across the U.S. Both the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) present opportunities for states to support families and individuals in nee...
