News & Perspectives

Current News

Announcing Our FY25 EPIC Awards Winner for Entrepreneurial Spirit!

PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets—Entrepreneurial Spirit, Passion, Impact, and Community—to life in a tangible way. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Helen McDermott, a Senior Consultant in Human Services, has been selected as PCG’s newest EPIC Awards winner in recognition of the Entrepreneurial Spirit she has demonstrated by innovating and improving the systems we use to deliver meaningful solutions. 

13. September 2024
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    PCG is Proud to Offer Professional Learning Workshops for MTSS Implementation

    Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an essential educational framework for developing sustainable and equitable tiered supports for students. MTSS is a wholistic approach focused on prevention and calls for districts and schools to build a continuum of accessible academic and behavioral supports. The 2022–2023 school year will require school leaders to evaluate their current MTSS practices and develop a comprehensive plan to address the extraordinary range and intensity of student needs.

    • 27. May 2022
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    ‘Back-to-School’ Blog Series (Post #4): Progress Monitoring during Virtual Learning

    The fourth blog post in our ‘back-to-school’ series highlights several best practices of evidence-based progress monitoring that educators can apply to virtual instruction to ensure ongoing progress monitoring continues regardless of the learning environment, be it remote, blended, or in-person. According to author Jennifer Meller, “Such monitoring can, and should, be used broadly to provide feedback to all students but is critically important for students with IEPs to meaningfully update goals, accommodations, and services.”

    • 5. November 2020
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    ‘Back-to-School’ Blog Series (Post #3): Social-Emotional Learning

    The third blog post in our ‘back-to-school’ series explores the need for districts to implement a multi-tiered approach to social-emotional learning (SEL) during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent recommendation from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). Author Lauren English-Mezzino acknowledges that while many districts are familiar with a tiered approach for academics, integrating SEL into a multi-tiered system of support—whether instruction is fully remote, in person, or a blend of the two—may present new challenges for districts.

    • 1. October 2020