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Maryland’s Frederick County Public Schools Partners with Public Consulting Group to Modernize Special Education Technology
Public Consulting Group (PCG) is proud to announce it's been awarded a contract by Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) through a competitive bidding process to implement EDPlan™, PCG's leading platform for supporting special education and specialized student populations. FCPS will roll out the ED...
/news-perspectives/maryland-s-frederick-county-public-schools-partners-with-public-consulting-group-to-modernize-special-education-technology/Announcing Our FY22 EPIC Awards Winner for Community!
PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is designed to help bring the firm’s four core tenets— E ntrepreneurial Spirit, P assion, I mpact, and C ommunity—to life in a tangible way. PCG’s quarterly employee recognition program, aptly-named the EPIC Awards, is design...
/news-perspectives/announcing-our-fy22-epic-awards-winner-for-community/A Tech Solution for Technical Problems in Foster Family Recruitment and Retention
Foster family recruitment and retention have always been challenging. Even while the number of children in foster care increased from 2012 to 2017, half of states saw a decrease in the number of available non-relative foster family homes. Though the number of children in foster care has since decrea...
/news-perspectives/a-tech-solution-for-technical-problems-in-foster-family-recruitment-and-retention/Beth Maxcy
Beth Maxcy is an associate manager in PCG’s Boston office. Since 2005, she has worked with child welfare and human service agencies across the U.S. to implement fiscal and policy solutions to help improve outcomes for children, youth, and families. Beth has also worked with a variety of states to de...
/leadership/human-services/beth-maxcy/COVID-19 Health Services
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Public Consulting Group (PCG) has established itself as a national leader in COVID-19 solutions. Our combined experience with project management, call center management, and human capital management have enabled PCG to quickly implement COVID-19 services acr...
/health/covid-19-health-services/Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver – Recent developments and the newly-released checklist
In follow-up to its letter to Governors regarding the Section 1332 Waiver opportunity, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Treasury released a Section 1332 checklist on May 16 designed to help states pursue ACA State Innovation Waivers. Section 1332 of the ACA ...
/news-perspectives/section-1332-state-innovation-waiver-recent-developments-and-the-newly-released-checklist/San Diego CalWORKs Information Page
San Diego CalWORKs Information Page Public Consulting Group (PCG) provides CalWORKs Welfare to Work and Refugee Employment Services to CalWORKs families in the East, South, and Central regions of San Diego County. On this page you will find important information about how to contact PCG’s CalWORKs t...
/human-services/san-diego-calworks-information-page/San Diego CalWORKs Pagina de Información
San Diego CalWORKs Pagina de Información Public Consulting Group (PCG) ofrece CalWORKs Welfare to Work y servicios de Empleo para Refugiados a las familias de CalWORKs en las regiones Este, Sur y Central del Condado de San Diego. En esta página encontrará información importante sobre cómo comunicars...
/human-services/san-diego-calworks-pagina-de-informaci%C3%B3n/Eclipse Certification and Compliance Services
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) certification for enhanced Federal Financial Participation (FFP) has changed significantly, which means how your state’s Medicaid systems qualify for FFP has changed. Eclipse Certification and Compliance Services (ECS) is designed with your proj...
/technology-consulting/eclipse-certification-and-compliance-services/COVID-19 Resources for Human Services Agencies
During this global coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency, Public Consulting Group (PCG) would like to assure our clients, colleagues and staff that everyone’s safety and well-being are of the utmost importance to our organization. We are here to support your needs, as we continue to deliver essential pro...