Found 802 results for "" query
Outsourcing and Operations
We have experience with every level of the system, from board leadership to front-line staff, and understand first-hand how each role influences a system’s success. PCG can manage your employment operations to serve more customers and better prepare your local workforce. We offer data-driven value-a...
/human-services/workforce-economic-development/outsourcing-and-operations/Garrett Abrahamson
Mr. Garrett Abrahamson is a healthcare consultant, delivering impactful financial deliverables with a client-centric approach. An Associate Manager with the Health Care Financing Solutions... Garrett Abrahamson Associate Manager Health Mr. Garrett Abrahamson is a healthcare consultant, delivering im...
/leadership/health/garrett-abrahamson/Edward Forth
Mr. Forth has more than 27 years of technology and management experience. He joined PCG in 2012 and currently provides transformational technology leadership for PCG's corporate services... Edward Forth Chief Information Officer Corporate Technology Ed Forth joined PCG in 2012 and has played a pivot...
/leadership/corporate/edward-forth/Administrative Service Organization Services
PCG has expertise in the creation, implementation, and management of Administrative Services Organizations (ASO). This service provides the first line of defense between a provider and fiscal intermediaries to ensure that submitted claims meet federal, state, and local Medicaid claiming policies. We...
/health/for-health-plans/administrative-service-organization-services/Administrative Service Organization Services
PCG has expertise in the creation, implementation, and management of Administrative Services Organizations (ASO). This service provides the first line of defense between a provider and fiscal intermediaries to ensure that submitted claims meet federal, state, and local Medicaid claiming policies. We...
/health/for-state-insurance-departments/administrative-service-organization-services/Business Solutions
Our Business Solutions help our clients develop and implement the technology they need to meet the demands of their business. These services are designed to be complementary to services within our other major business lines. Project Management Using our proprietary ManageIT™ project management metho...
/technology-consulting/what-we-do/business-solutions/Medicaid Administrative Claiming
PCG works with agencies to administer standalone Medicaid administrative claiming programs in addition to claiming efforts that are part of wider cost allocation plans. Medicaid administrative reimbursement is available for client-facing activities, including eligibility determinations and care coor...
/health/for-state-health-medicaid-agencies/medicaid-administrative-claiming/TANFTrac™ - WPR Tracking Solution
Sometimes life lessons can be found in simple tasks. An important aspect of welfare-to-work is learning time accountability. TANFTrac™ by PCG encourages TANF work-eligible participants to track and submit their own work activity hours. Create the opportunity for your clients to learn time keeping aw...
/products/human-services-products/tanftrac-wpr-tracking-solution/Amy Whitcher Smith
Ms. Smith has 19 years of experience in public sector education initiatives and is currently South Regional Manager for PCG. She has been with PCG since 1999 in the Charlotte office... Amy Whitcher Smith Manager Education Ms. Smith has 19 years of experience in public sector education initiatives an...