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Focusing on Data Quality: Key Considerations for Child Welfare Agencies
The Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) Final Rule represents the evolution of the earlier Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS). It also represents a bit of a sea change. Moving the focus from monolithic automated information systems to shared data enables...
/news-perspectives/focusing-on-data-quality-key-considerations-for-child-welfare-agencies/Federal District Court Judge invalidates Kentucky’s work requirement in its approved Medicaid expansion program
On June 29, 2018, U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg of the District of Columbia rejected Kentucky’s work requirement imposed as part of the state’s Medicaid expansion program under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). On June 29, 2018, U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg of the District of Col...
/news-perspectives/federal-district-court-judge-invalidates-kentucky-s-work-requirement-in-its-approved-medicaid-expansion-program/US District Court holds no private right of action under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
On June 15, 2018, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the HIPAA statute does not provide a private cause of action. A patient at a hospital in Washington, District of Columbia, claimed that the medical intake computer station violated HIPAA’s privacy protections. She file...
/news-perspectives/us-district-court-holds-no-private-right-of-action-under-the-health-insurance-portability-and-accountability-act-hipaa/Panel of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denies ACA risk corridor payments for two insurers
On Thursday, June 14, 2018, a three-judge panel of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, in a two to one decision, voted against two health insurers in their bid for increased risk corridor payments under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Section 1342 of the ACA established a temporary risk corridors p...
/news-perspectives/panel-of-the-us-circuit-court-of-appeals-denies-aca-risk-corridor-payments-for-two-insurers/CMS issues new guidance on using Medicaid health IT to reduce opioid risks
On June 11, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new guidance to state Medicaid directors about how states can harness Medicaid health information technology to combat the opioid crisis. CMS encourages states to pursue strategies such as enhanced prescription drug monito...
/news-perspectives/cms-issues-new-guidance-on-using-medicaid-health-it-to-reduce-opioid-risks/Maine Superior Court Justice orders state administration to carry out voter-approved Medicaid Expansion
On Monday, June 4, 2018, Superior Court Justice Michaela Murphy ordered the Commissioner of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services to submit by June 11, 2018 a state plan to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)to provide e...
/news-perspectives/maine-superior-court-justice-orders-state-administration-to-carry-out-voter-approved-medicaid-expansion/CMS launches Medicaid/CHIP performance scorecard
On June 4, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) unveiled a new performance scorecard offering critical metrics on state health system performance, state administrative performance, and federal administrative performance under Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program...
/news-perspectives/cms-launches-medicaidchip-performance-scorecard/PCG and the Georgia Department of Education Win Learning Impact Platinum Award for Their Work on the 50-State CASE Registry Service.
At this year’s Learning Impact Leadership Institute IMS Global, recognized Public Consulting Group (PCG) and the Georgia Department of Education (GA DOE) with a Learning Impact Platinum Award At this year’s Learning Impact Leadership Institute IMS Global , recognized Public Consulting Group (PCG) an...
/news-perspectives/pcg-and-the-georgia-department-of-education-win-learning-impact-platinum-award-for-their-work-on-the-50-state-case-registry-service/Looking to the Future of Workers' Compensation
Several members of the PCG Health team recently attended the Workers Compensation Research Institute’s Annual Issues & Research Conference in Boston . The conference convenes researchers, regulators, and other workers’ compensation professionals from around the country to discuss trends they are...
/news-perspectives/looking-to-the-future-of-workers-compensation/Movement on drug cost containment at both the State and Federal level
Health Policy News has devoted significant attention to State and Federal efforts to contain drug costs, including recently issuing a report and legislative tracking tool entitled “ Rising Prescription Drug Costs: A report on state and federal efforts to contain costs”. As we head into the summer we...