Finance Consulting

Developing financing plans and finding funding sources in early education and child care are major challenges for state and local officials, as well as members of community-based organizations. They are faced with identifying and accessing federal funds to help meet program goals. Program directors are continually adjusting or expanding an array of funds used to support their programs. The range of funds can include state and local dollars, federal dollars, and/or other private resources that support the program.

PCG provides finance consulting services and products that offer a significant long-term return on investment. Our client benefits include the generation of new revenue and greater cost participation, and improved accountability and consistent operations. Both can, in the long run, improve accountability and service provisions to families.

Services Include

Analysis and Revisions of State Policies, Procedures, and Operations 

PCG has a proven approach to helping states to review and revise state policies and procedures to optimize reimbursements from commercial insurance and Medicaid. In addition, we work with states to identify new sources of revenue and increase the efficiency and use of current expenditures. We accomplish this by conducting “as is” and “to be” feasibility studies of current operations.

Market Rate Studies

PCG conducts statewide, federally-mandated child care market rate surveys on behalf of states. We work with states to utilize these data to support affordability and accessibility of early childhood and child care services and child care subsidy.

We also work with states to examine the actual costs of quality and care by leveraging their market rate surveys.

Cost Reporting and Rate Setting

PCG has extensive experience supporting state and local clients in following Office of Management and Budget (OMB) A-87 (2 CFR Part 225) and the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements (2 CFR Part 200) in addition to Medicaid rules for services such as Early Intervention (Part C) and specialized home visiting services. We have significant experience in guiding states on early intervention (EI) and preschool program allowable cost, and assisting with setting competitive rates for services provided.